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The Steps of 5S

The Steps of 5S
     Seiri – Sort (Clearing)
Ø  Clearly separating necessary from unnecessary, and remove unnecessary
     Seiton – Set in order (Configure)
Ø  Visually arrange and identify items for ease of use and retrieval
     Seiso - Shine & Check (Clean & Check)
Ø  keep the workplace clean (not pretty) to allow problems to be identified
     Seiketsu - standardizes (Conformity)
Ø  Continually monitor the level of clearing, organizing and cleaning
     Shitsuke - Sustain – (Custom & Practice, Consensus)
Ø  Work towards a shared set of values regarding clearing, organizing and cleaning

And the 6th S is Safety.
Ø  improve through better clearing, organizing, cleaning and visual control

The First “S”; Seiri or Sort - The first stage of 5S, sorting out the clutter
     The aim is to remove everything but what is actually required every day from the work space.
     Only items that are needed remain in the workplace, all others are removed or scrapped.

Why remove clutter?

     Frees up space
     Removes clutter/obstacles
     Stops people adding to it
     Stops hoarding
     Improves safety
     Gives control of what is in your area
     Begins the orderliness process

Who is involved?
     Everyone in the 5S team and the area concerned
     Team should involve people who are from outside the area who are more likely to challenge and question the need for some items

Sort process
     Whole team should spend a few hours going through the entire area (Inside cabinets, under and behind machines, everywhere!);
     All obvious scrap should be put in the skip
     All unidentified items should be put in the “red tag” / quarantine / “Crime watch” area.
     All unnecessary items which have value should also be placed in this area
     Items which are too big or difficult to remove should have red tag attached.
     Only Items that are required should remain

Red tag / quarantine / crime watch Area
     Storage area for unidentified items and items that are not required but have a value
Red tag area and items
     The red tag area should be reviewed after the clearing process
     Involve everyone to decide disposition of the items
§  Scrap
§  Storage
§  Return to area
     Machines and other items with red tags attached should also be reviewed and disposition decided and planned

What’s next?
     At the end of Seiri (Sort or Clearing) you should only have the items in your area that are required.
     The next stage of 5S is Seiton (Set in Order) where we set those items in order.

The Second “S”; Seiton or Set in order - Configuring the workplace the Second stage of 5S
Purpose of Seiton – Set in order

     A place for everything and everything in its place.
     To arrange all necessary items for economy of movement.
     Place according to frequency of use.
     To have a designated place for everything, label, classify and make easily visible.
     Provide safe storage - heavy items low, light items high.
     Ensure safe access. 
     Begins the process of standardization.

Organizing the work-space
     Set in order is not just about labeling everything and putting it on a shelf.
     What is the best location for an item to reduce wasted movement in the process and reduce safety issues?
     How can we make the process more visible?

Set in order for economy of movement
     Place items in the most ergonomic position to reduce reaching, turning and bending;
Ø  Component boxes fed from the rear of the work area.
Ø  Tools hanging from overhead.
Ø  Components presented in the right orientation to prevent having to turn them
Ø  Scissor lifts platforms to deliver items at a uniform height.
     Solutions should be no-cost or low-cost; if we have to spend large sums of money then we have not thought hard enough about the problem.

Too many items?
Identify items as Runners, Repeaters and
     List jobs by production volume (largest to smallest)
     Identify jobs as runners, repeaters and strangers
For example:

Runners’ repeaters and strangers
Tooling, fixtures, materials etc. for;
     Runners – stored as close as possible to the work area as these are required most often
     Repeaters – Stored after the Runners
     Strangers – Can be located in a storage area if insufficient space in cell

What should be in place at the end of Seiton
     A place for everything and everything in its place.
     Should be obvious if anything is missing or out of place
     Organized ergonomically and for frequency of use
     Movement and access should be safe without obstacles

What is after Seiton – Set in Order
     The 3rd and next stage of 5S is Seiso or Shine and Check;
     In this stage we will inspect and clean everything to ensure that all items are bought back to an “as new” condition and maintained as such. 

5S Seiso – shine - The third stage of 5S, Shine; Clean and Check
Not just cleaning
     This stage is not just to make everything look clean and pretty (Although it can do..)
     Thoroughly inspect everything for damage and problems.
     Bring everything back to “As New”

Benefits of cleaning
     Makes defects easier to detect
     Better customer perception
     Creates a better working environment
     Aids efficiency and reduces accidents
     Helps standardization

Initial clean down
     Correct or schedule repairs for all problems discovered
     If possible prevent dirt creation – eliminate or reduce
     Links with Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Who, what, when, where, how?
     Cleaning is an ongoing process;
     Define and document;
Ø  Who is responsible for cleaning?
Ø  When it will be done?
Ø  What needs to be cleaned and where?
Ø  How is it to be done?
Ø  Provide the required tools for cleaning?

The next stage
     The next step is Seiketsu or standardization
     The next stage will build on everything you have achieved in the last three stages

5S Seiketsu – Standardize - The fourth stage in 5S, Standardize; conformity in what we do
Why standardize?
     It makes 5S routine
     Sustains all improvements
     Builds on the improvements already made
     Maintains agreed procedures
     Ensures we don’t fall back into our old ways

How do we standardize
     Document standard ways of working
     Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
     Standardize labeling, signage and flow
     5S audits

Standard work
     Document the current agreed way of doing a process.
Ø  Provides a baseline for improvement
Ø  Reduces variation between people/shifts
     Use text

Standardize flow and signage

     Common methods to show where work enters and leaves a cell.
     Standard methods for identifying components and tool locations
X 5S is a highly visual tool
Ø  Everything should be obvious.

5S Audit
     Independent audit of an areas adherence to 5S
     Capture current state – use color Photographs
     Create simple audit sheets – With Score
     Conduct audits

5S auditing
     Q: Can you write a clear and fair checklist?
§  Those being measured cannot fail or pass for anything ambiguous (eg locations, quantity, cleanliness, etc.) - there should be no "shades of grey"
If not, revisit "Organizing" to visually clarify ground rules and expectations or rewrite the checklist
     Q: Do those being audited agree the audit is fair and reasonable?
Have they seen the audit? They can almost certainly devise a better one!
     Periodically re-audit (eg weekly, fortnightly) and cross-check using auditors from other areas to form auditing group
     Give immediate verbal feedback from audit, display results on noticeboard, and chart against past results
     Identify problem areas and set targets for improvement for example, can a lack of cleanliness be prevented through controlling contamination?

What is the next stage of 5S?
     The hardest step of 5S is that of Shitsuke or Sustaining.
     We need to ensure that we maintain and continuously improve on the gains that we have made through the first 4 steps of 5S

5s Shitsuke – Sustain - The 5th Stage of 5S, Sustain the gains and make them part of our company culture.
Sustaining the gains made through 5s
5S will have allowed you to go from!!!
Do you want to slip back?
The hardest part of 5S
You need to keep the gains.

Sustaining 5s
Probably the most difficult step;

Maintain audits
Maintain cleaning

Walk the walk! Management must lead by example and not ignore issues.

Visual management
     5S provides a system of visual management
Ø  Any abnormalities are now obvious.
     All locations identified, work flow should be clear.
Ø  Items and materials that are out of place give a clear indication of a problem and a need for action.

What has 5S done for us?
     Improves safety.
     A structured approach.
     Applicable to the General Manager and everyone else.
     Improves productivity.
     Improves quality.
     Intolerant to waste.
     Improves morale and teamwork.
     Enjoy - working in a clean, organized, quality, successful, safe environment.

Show everyone what 5S has achieved - 5S Board
Continuous improvement
     Use the teams that you have formed to implement 5S to begin the use of Kaizen
     Use Kaizen and empower your teams to continually improve on the gains they have made through 5S – constantly challenge the teams.
     Instigate daily management walk through.




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