The Steps of 5S • Seiri – Sort (Clearing) Ø Clearly separating necessary from unnecessary, and remove unnecessary • Seiton – Set in order (Configure) Ø Visually arrange and identify items for ease of use and retrieval • Seiso - Shine & Check (Clean & Check) Ø keep the workplace clean (not pretty) to allow problems to be identified • Seiketsu - standardizes (Conformity) Ø Continually monitor the level of clearing, organizing and cleaning • Shitsuke - Sustain – (Custom & Practice, Consensus) Ø Work towards a shared set of values regarding clearing, organizing and cleaning And the 6 th S is Safety. • Safety Ø improve through better clearing, organizing, cleaning and visual control The First “S”; Seiri or Sort - The first stage of 5S, sorting out t...
The road of success is always under contraction.